ClotHound Porcine Testing for Safety & Efficacy
- Findings support safe expansion and fore/aft movement of spheres within peripheral veins, pulmonary arteries, and peripheral arteries
- Demonstrated effectiveness in atraumatically removing thrombus from pulmonary veins and peripheral venous/arterial tree in a swine model
Peer Reviewed Paper PDF: Porcine Testing of a Novel Second Generation Mechanical Thrombectomy Device to Evaluate Effects on Arterial and Venous Intima and Vessel Integrity
ClotHound Radial Force Testing
- Recorded maximum RF of 22 N, well below published forces required to rupture the saphenous vein and pulmonary artery
- Combining findings with prior histologic publication suggests the device’s ability to a-traumatically remove venous thromboemboli further supporting the safety and efficacy profile of ClotHound in thrombectomy procedures
Peer Reviewed Paper PDF: In Vitro Proof of Concept Evaluation of the Radial Force Generated by a Novel Mechanical Thrombectomy Device that Incorporates Controlled, Expandable Wire Spheres